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Tag Archives: King solomon

God is faithful

God is a very faithful person. When God said he is going to do something, he means it and he does it. Reading through the first few chapters in 1 Kings, what we see is a transition from King David-King Solomon. We see how Solomon begins to reign and the things he purposes to do. He begins after some time to build the temple and also his home. We see two encounters with God and the one I focus on today is the latter occurrence. When God had reaffirmed to Solomon, he would be with him and his line as long as they continued to devote their lives to Him.

What I started to realise is God will keep you in the realm of your success, as long as you stay faithful to him, once you begin to start doing what you want to do, he can no longer source you. Many times in the past I have moved in my own desires and will and the reliance I had in God was gone. Not only did the reliance go, however, the holding God had, which was holding me and driving me forward was gone. Not because God did not want me to succeed but because I had removed his hand. It was only when I realised this and through God’s rebuke (either by education, correction, rebuke or reproving) I once again called on the name of the Lord and wanted him to be my guide.

 For those of you who had been living a life of joy in the Lord, it is not the only reason, but I am sure it is a common reason why many people’s joy is cut short.

Word you just say?

Daily Ministration
I learned that words are much more powerful than I previously thought. There is a certain stereotype or custom in being a Christian, I use to evade it so easily, fell into it and now I’m trying to learn t evade it again…It’s called being AVERAGE! Learning about a topic, all you want to do is focus on the famous scriptures, not looking to delve deeper into study.

 I like to challenge myself, see how serious I want to be with God, average doesn’t cut it with me, neither do I want to live a life of mediocrity. I want God to be able to ask me, why does he love me and be able to answer with more than John 3:16. God gave us so much and we gave him nothing initially. We now have the opportunity to give God everything and what do we give him? Ecclesiastes made me think about what we give God. I started to understand that God holds us accountable to what we say…If Nehemiah never prayed to God, he would not have been bound to complete his tasks. The words of our mouth only mean something binding to God when we say them to him…Don’t be hasty. When I say to God, I will give you £100, God now expects it, if I don’t say it, God won’t hold me to it. Whatever we promise God he expects it. God has taught me how important integrity is.

This is something I want to remember everyday I’m living, God Expects what we promise…  

Time Talks!

During the course of the day, do you find yourself looking at the clock and wondering where it has all gone?When you come to this point in the day, do yo take time to reflect on previous events in the day, and assess what the time which has gone was devoted to? Are you the kind of person who dedicates a certain time, to each of your daily activities? If so, how seriously do you take your devotion? Is there a specific time to eat, sleep, speak on the cell phone, browsing the internet and so on?

Do you panic when you miss a meal, thinking when can I make that meal later in the day?

Are you a person that sets parameters of what to do in a certain time frame? Do you think this is better than being so stringent and strict? You may miss a meal but still know that you can find an alternative? Maybe you are a person who just lets the day tackle them. The fact is, some people have work for eight hours a day and work around that time, some have nothing to do and just live as they please. Some say that sleeping is for wealthy-less people.

Whoever you are…A rich individual, you will obviously have an opinion on time and where it goes. You will find yourself running out of hours to spend your money or make it.

If you are less favorable in regards to money then you will no doubt be very conscious of time, as you need as much time as possible to beg for money, work for money and think about ways to provide for yourself or family.

The reason I choose these specifics is because I want to use to examples which are completely on opposite sides of the spectrum, in order to highlight the point that time is subject to no-one but God. Whether you are the richest in the land or the individual with the poorest credit history, it means nothing in the time scenario.
Time is something that the Wisest man in the land dedicated time to.He took time out and decided to speak about time in one’s life. When speaking about time, Solomon indicated at the forefront of his message, the everything in life, there is a designated time! Living, dying, eating, sleeping, growing, reaping, teaching, weeping. Whether you choose to acknowledge these things in life, they will find you and cause you to take part.

Time Talks but does ……Listen? So many people see time as an enemy, which is because no time has been taken to build a rapport. Communicate with time in time will listen. designate your life to embracing the time you have here and fulfill your duties set for you on Earth.


God bless