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The Testimony is Vital

This is a testimony I have come across and felt it necessary to post it on my blog. I did not write it myself but am sure this will still bless people.

Truly Faithful – “Can you talk to your wife or husband about anything? Can you go to them about your struggles? Can they come to you about their struggles? To those in marital covenants (husband and wife), you should be able to pray with your spouse through whatever struggles that come your way, no matter the struggle. There should be honesty in your marriage like no other relationship you have. If you have an intimate relationship with Christ, you should ALSO have an intimate relationship with your husband or wife.

I remember early on in our marriage I was struggling with LUST. Even though I had married my husband and was being totally fulfilled sexually, I still had this issue. I was working in the mortgage industry at the time and was working with a client who was “nice on the eyes”. Being that I had to check out so many things about him, I found out this guy had great credit, was in the military, had no children and had lots of what we called “Man Toys” (motorcycles, fast and furious racing cars and loads of electronics) and those THINGS really caught my attention. This guy knew I was married, but he flirted with me every time I had to call him about his deal or when he came to my office. His advances were beyond flattering as now I was beginning to have impure thoughts about him and I had not even been married 6 months. I had set up an appointment to meet him at a house for sale so he could make his decision on if he was buying it or not. I knew in my heart what was going to happen if he and I met at the house alone but I wanted to go anyway. My thoughts were wrong and I was convicted, but my flesh wanted what it wanted and it wanted to be fulfilled. That day I got off work knowing what was planned the next day, knowing that it would not be just be a meeting with this guy to look at a house, but it would have been a premeditated act of adultery.

Instead of walking into our apartment loving on my husband like normal, I told him that I needed to talk to him right away. My husband dropped everything he was doing to listen to me and I just poured my heart out to him in tears. I knew what I was saying was hurting him. For a husband to hear that his wife had been thinking immorally about another man was one thing, but for him to hear that it was planned to “meet and cheat” was another. I didn’t know if his heart was breaking. I didn’t know if he would be so mad that he would leave me. I just didn’t know how he would respond to my confession. But I had to get this out and I had to get this out to HIM! Not to a friend, not to an acquaintance, not to a family member, but to MY COVERING! I sat there with crocodile tears rolling down my face, crying so hard but telling my husband EVERYTHING! I told him how I wanted to give into my flesh, how I had been thinking and lusting after this guy, and even about the meeting that was set for the next day. I told it ALL! And then I said words he and I will never forget. I said, “If you don’t pray for me, I am going to fall away”!

At that very moment, I saw a look in my husband’s eyes that I had never seen before. It was like all the hurt he was feeling was gone. It was like the authority that he has in Christ just took over. Before I could say another word, he grabbed me in his arms, hugged me and prayed for me like no one had EVER prayed for me before. I’m not one to say you feel a lot of things happening spiritually when in prayer, but that time when he prayed, I literally felt something lift from me. The more he prayed, the more I cried and the more we embraced. By the end of the prayer we were both in tears, his shirt was drenched and I KNEW I was free! I just knew it! Of course sex was next and it was (at that time) the most passionate, reassuring and confirming sex we had had because it was like it sealed the deal that there would be NO ADULTERY in our marriage, not even the “Look of the Eye” adultery talked about in Matt 5:28 and Job 31:1. Afterwards while we held each other he said, “No secrets. You always come to me and I will always come to you and we will pray each other through”. I said to him, “Always. No matter what it is, we will be honest”! And I thanked him for loving me through instead of being mad and upset! And we have been that way ever since, even through our trials, we’re honest. Even if it takes a few days before we say anything, we are still HONEST!

We stand on God’s word, especially James 5:16! It doesn’t matter where you are in your marriage, if you BOTH are believers, you should be able to go to each other in HONESTY, share your struggles and PRAY for each other! I know this is another long one because yes I could write all day (lol) but I just feel it pressed upon my heart to share about “confessing and praying in marriage” because many couples are not praying as they should! You never know when you will have to pray your husband or wife through! You never know when your husband or wife will be struggling with something unless you can go to each other about anything and pray each other through! There have been times we have had to put our feelings aside and just PRAY for each other! I say all of that to say you should always be able to go to God and then to your spouse! But the questions are DO YOU? And if not, WILL YOU?”